Olga Letykai

Olga Letykai Csonka

Olga Letykai Csonka was born in 1972 in Emmelen, a remote village in the far northeast of Russia.
From her childhood, she lived the life of nomadic reindeer herders, although her people also lived by hunting marine mammals: walruses, seals and whales.
She is of Čukča origin on her mother's side and of Inuit origin on her father's side: being of matriarchal culture, she considers herself as belonging to the Čukčo people and to the Raven Clan, like her mother, even if during her rituals she takes care to also honor the Clan of the White Bear to which her father belongs.
Coming from a shamanic lineage of the two parental clans, she is a shaman, healer and singer.
She is also a performer of traditional dances and songs related to the traditions of the far north-east of Russia and, in particular, of the Chukotka region.
Olga is known in Russia, Europe and America also for her valuable work in favor of indigenous peoples.
Graduated of the Institute of Indigenous Peoples of the Far East at Gertzen State University in St. Petersburg, Olga has a UN mandate to represent 41 indigenous peoples of the Far East of Russia, awarded to her for her tireless work to defend the human rights of indigenous peoples.

Video "Chamane des Cimes" from Paju

Video  "Rencontre avec une chamane"  from Legrandjd